holistic person

Define holistic. holistic synonyms, holistic pronunciation, holistic translation, English dictionary definition of holistic. adj. 1. Of or relating to holism. 2. a. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. b. Concerned

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  • Holistic education is a philosophy of education based on the premise that each person find...
    Holistic education - Wikipedia
  • 電話:06-3583456 傳真:06-3581614 地址:台南市中西區西賢一街187巷1號 Email:holistic-person@hotmail.com Copyrigh...
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  • medicine, holistic medicine, natural medicine, unorthodox medicine, fringe medicine, ... T...
    Alternative medicine - Wikipedia
  • An holistic person is a person who believes in all natural healing. This may involve vitam...
    What is a holistic person - Answers.com
  • Define holistic. holistic synonyms, holistic pronunciation, holistic translation, English ...
    Holistic - definition of holistic by The Free Dictionary ...
  • How would you describe a person whose physical, psychological and spiritual facets functio...
    holisticintegrated person | WordReference Forums
  • Most of the country's highly selective colleges and universities have holistic admissi...
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  • Holistic Person Processing: Faces With Bodies Tell the Whole Story Hillel Aviezer Princeto...
    Holistic Person Processing: Faces With Bodies Tell the Whole ...
  • 全人(holistic person )的觀點,在於自己能夠重視自身的「內在品質」,進而與 周遭完美互動,達成「人與己」、「人與人」、「人與自然」、「人與超越界」皆能 ...
    2011 holistic person
  • A holistic view means that we are interested in engaging and developing the whole person. ...
    What do you mean by a holistic approach? | boas